Monday, August 17, 2009

Female Voices: Kelly, Pink, Katty & Luciana

Somebody told me that there are more chances to follow directions from a GPS if the voice is a female one, you know, the voice of a sexy woman. That is probably the same reason why I can not stop listening to these songs, I simply love their voices. Just click on play to know what I am talking about, why I like that feeling of waking up in Vegas, why my life would suck without them, but... Please don't tell my wife about it... hahaha!!!

By the way, why don't they allow to embed their videos on YouTube for the first two ones? Is it because their record labels don't let them? How naive! There will always be another way to get them. In case you want to watch those two videos on YouTube all you need to do is click here and there ;-)


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