Sunday, December 11, 2016

The path to the light bulb

As in many other occasions it all started with my sometimes unhealthy relationship with the news. I am not ashamed to consider myself a "news junkie", which so far has served me well although I recognize it might have prevented me from having a better interaction with people who do not care to be well informed. So, it is not surprise that sometimes my behavior looks like the one of an introvert or that I am not aware of my surroundings, specially if I have my headphones on when I am listening to one of the several podcasts I follow. In other words, it is not uncommon for me to live inside my head.

A fortunate consequence of spending a significant amount of time in my head - ignoring the outside world - is that on rare occasions a light bulb turns on somewhere in there and I can build a path towards it. Recently one of those moments happened and the chain of events leading to that moment can be traced back to a series of articles, posts and opinions given by different people. At first they seem to be unrelated but if you spend some time thinking about them you might be able to connect the dots that ultimately lighted that bulb in my head. But if I tell you what path this light bulb has illuminated then there would be no mystery, and even worse no reason for you to read them all. So, here they are all of them or at least most of them in no particular order for your guilty pleasure.

- Bottom up and outside in, by Jennifer Pahlka
- Elizabeth Warren Proposes to Strengthen Democratic Spines With a Powerful New Tool: Math, by John Nichols
- Why Reed Hastings is the nation’s best chance for curbing the influence of money in politics, by Bradley Tusk
- A Warning for Americans From a Member of Pussy Riot, by Jim Rutenberg
- Here’s Where Donald Trump Gets His News, by Charlie Warzel and Lam Thuy Vo
- Facebook comment about the recent tragic Oakland fire, by Tim O'Reilly
- Stanford Historian Makes Case for American ‘Enlightenments’, by Michael Krasny
- How to deal with ignorant people, by Casey Gagnon
- F**kAdblock! How Publishers are defeating ad blockers & how ad blockers are fighting back, by BugReplay Blog
- Google, democracy and the truth about internet search, by Carole Cadwalladr
- Trump’s Threat to the Constitution, by Evan McMullin
Evan McMullin’s 10-point guide to living under a potentially “authoritarian” Trump, by Hanna Kozlowska
- How big brands are inadvertently funding fake news sites, by Sarah Drake
- When 9.4 million followers isn’t enough: NBC News will shut down the Breaking News app on Dec. 31, by Nieman Lab Staff
- Sick of the news? This is no time to tune out, by Margaret Sullivan
- How to Know What Donald Trump Really Cares About: Look at What He’s Insulting, by Kevin Quealy

Stay informed, my friends.

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