Monday, January 7, 2013

The least stressful job

Today's lunch conversation evolved around the concept of working hours and technology. Supposedly, the idea of improving technology was to reduce the amount of working hours for everyone. At least that was one of the intentions, and of course, to improve quality and productivity. But, as you know, that hasn't happened. In fact, we all agreed that nowadays everybody is working more. The dream of 40 hours per week is pretty much gone for most of us. So what happened? Companies are still profitable, production is higher than ever, but still unemployment is high. What is going to happen a few decades from now?

Somehow, we also thought about the quality of life our kids would have in a couple of decades or so. One guy even shared he doesn't want his kids to be medical doctors, in his eyes this is the most stressful
job that anyone can have. Sure you can make tons of money but in return you have no life and your job never ends. Naturally, everybody started to add other careers and occupations to the list: lawyers, engineers, school teachers, dentists, waitresses, etc. So, I had to ask: what do you think is the least stressful job of all? Somebody said "Garbage Collectors". And immediately everybody agreed. It seems that they have job security, good benefits and no pressure at all. In fact, if they decide to go on strike, can you imagine the amount of trash that would be accumulated on the streets? It would be as horrible as it happened in the Italian city of Naples some years ago.

The idea of the least stressful job stick with me after lunch, so I google it and turns out that Medical Records Technician is/was the least stressful job of 2012, at least according to Career Cast. At some point of the conversation we thought that working at a pharmacy might be the winner. What do you have to do besides grabbing the drugs listed in the prescription? You might even been able to use a scanner connected to a PC, that way you don't even have to read the label. But I guess that dealing with customers/patients might not be an easy job after all. So, probably, if you remove that part from the job it should be fairly easy, right? Then I guess that the closest thing would be the previously mentioned Medical Records Technician. If I only have known this when I was young. Just kidding.

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