Saturday, October 18, 2008

Flight of the Conchords

I didn't hear of them 'til yesterday, even though Sarah says her sister mentioned them before... anyway, the point is that they are fucking hillarious... a friend told me about and since then I can stop playing the tons of youtube videos... here my favorities...

Flight of the Conchords remind me of the peruvian band NSQYNSC but more prolific, they even have an HBO show... I can't wait for the new season!!!



  1. Porque dices que tiene un parecido al grupo los nosequin, y sobre prolifico lo dices porque ellos tienen una mejor produccion o a que te refieres.

  2. Se parecen a los NSQYNSC porque son igual de irreverentes y sarcasticos, hacen mofa de la sociedad y de muchos de sus estereotipos, y me parece que son mas prolificos porque su musica como los temas que tocan son mas variados y abarcan un mayor espectro de ritmos musicales.
