Friday, September 19, 2008

23andMe... what is this?

So today we all have heard Sergey Brin carries the genome G2019S which is associated with Parkinson, big deal! The important thing for the rest of us is to know how he knows, sure he has billions of dollars therefore he can afford to get his DNA information, but the point is that he got it using his wife's company "23andMe". This new business let you - the regular citizen of this damned globalized world - get a study of your own DNA by sending a little bit of your saliva to this company and paying them US$ 399.00 + taxes + shipping... I think this is really cool.

Being skeptic, wouldn't they be able to sell your DNA information to some other company? what implications would this have in your medical insurance? if they know you have the cancer genome, wouldn't they charge you more for it? doesn't this remind you of the Gattaca movie?

I still think it is cool... but maybe, just maybe I rather prefer not to know what is in my health future... at least for now.


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