Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We Are Disappointed!

When I say "we" I mean my wife and myself but sure there are a lot of people like us who today feel this way: disappointed. As I was on the phone talking with my aunt who also lives in California, somehow we ended up talking about President Obama and the latest news about sending more troops to fight a war we don't fully understand, a war we still think we should have never been involved with. Sure, there is a problem in the area with terrorism and the instability of that region will affect the entire world, but then we ask: why does America have to go there and fight it while other countries are not sending as many troops? Also, why does America have to sacrifice its young soldiers while there is still so much to do here at home? Last but not least, why do Americans have to pay the huge budget of this war?

In case you don't remember what our current president said about the war just press play on the previous video for a summary of his speeches through the years. In case you have time and the patience to hear his long address on foreign policy - when he still was a senator - regarding Iraq and Afghanistan just follow this link provided by The New York Times (the video was originally created by MSNBC), it is a little bit over 36 minutes. Nice speech but today they are just words that the wind - and who knows what hidden interests and politics - is taking away from President Obama's current approach to the war.

The previous video is a good summary of today's speech, but as always the complete video of President Obama outlining his strategy on Afghanistan and Pakistan can be seen on the following link thanks to the White House web page.


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