Saturday, April 10, 2010

What did kill the MTV star?

I don't know the answer, but others before me have elaborated on this topic with more knowledge and information that I could ever get, create or even imagine. So, let me refer to them for the answer... kind of.

"I want music from a music station. Not a bunch of reality shows where the 'stars' do nothing but bitch and complain and moan and groan for an hour." ... "It's a hell of a line up for the dysfunctional and brain dead." ... "This is what the once hottest music channel on TV has become? A reality based cable channel?" ... "So the person, or persons, responsible for the untimely demise of MTV...Bring back the music!" - Richard Blaine for Twin-Music.

"Things at MTV started to change around 1986-1987, when the network started introducing programs that were not necessarily music-related. My first memory of such a show was Remote Control." ... "However, that would all start to change in 1992, with the introduction of The Real World, which became an instant hit." ... "It got to the point where music videos were hardly aired on MTV anymore; in fact, when the late 90's hit, videos were either aired very late at night or as part of Total Request Live." - Lesley Aeschliman for Helium.

"AC/DC couldn't get air-time anymore and rap and hip-hop took over like a parasite. Reality shows were springing up like hard ons in a wet dream, and MTV totally became a commercial hit all over the world." ... "MTV has lost it's testosterone and slowly had a metamorphosis change to estrogen along with her sister channels." ... "It went from bad to worse when on January 1st 1985 launched VH-1." ... "There's no turning back the clock. It's a money making machine. Look up MTV in the dictionary it's defined as 'Money Television." - 'Mean' Mike Duffau for BrooWaha.

I think they are all correct, but in any case, my favorite one is (not) surprisingly the one I found on Yahoo Answers: "The American teenage population has become increasingly undisciplined and part of the American population of idiots who buy into fads and politics that are BS. People are basically brainwashed and unable to fathom actual music." by RockHero. And it is nicely complemented by the person who made the question: "but it's not just teenagers anymore it's also some of the young adults in their 20's & 30's even. I think it is what they are not being taught in school or should I say NOT allowed thanks to some." by Likat.


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