Wednesday, September 29, 2010

¿Brown vs Whitman = Dracula vs Hagatha?

Anoche fue el primer debate entre los candidatos para Gobernador de California, Jerry Brown y Meg Whitman (el diario local, Press Democrat, tiene un buen resumen o pueden ver el vídeo gracias a KCRA). A pesar de que esperaba fuese este mas alturado que el debate municipal (vídeo en YouTube) en la noche anterior por la alcaldía de Lima (mi ciudad natal), debo decir que quede ampliamente decepcionado. Y al parecer mi posición la comparten la mayoría de la prensa escrita y los mas populares blogs políticos por estos rincones de la red. Aquí unos extractos que me parecen los mas interesantes y/o divertidos.

  • It's All Politics by Frank James: "Each tried to turn his or her opponents' supposed strength into a weakness, a standard technique of political jiujitsu."
  • L.A. Now by Steve Lopez: "if you wanted to hear big ideas about the major structural reforms necessary to fix California's enduring, colossal mess, this was not your night."
  • The Huffington Post by Jessica Levinson: "Love them or hate them, these candidates are very different. Sadly, perhaps their only area of agreement is that California is in a bind. Let's hope one of them can help."
  • Sacramento Press by Nick Burnett: "if you were looking for a reasonably thoughtful discussion of many of the real issues facing California, there was much to appreciate in the debate"
  • The Informer by J. Patrick Coolican: "The debaters, in any case, did their job in defining the differences between the two"
  • The Blog Report With Zennie62 by Zennie Abraham: "Simply put, Meg Whitman came off as a policy wonk with bad hair, whereas Jerry Brown appeared as an experienced elected official who knows how California works."
  • Mother Jones by Josh Harkinson: "California's real problems run deeper than either candidate wants to admit."
  • Politico by Maggie Haberman: "little happened in the debate that could be seen as a game-changer that would dramatically change the narrative of a race that most polls have shown basically tied for weeks"
  • San Francisco Chronicle by Carla Marinucci and Joe Garofoli: "Tuesday's first face-to-face gubernatorial debate ... provided no "gotcha" moments but plenty of pointed jabs between the two people who say they can turn California around"
  • LA Times by Cathleen Decker: "But more than just the issues, the debate centered on the main question beforevoters on Nov. 2: whether the key to success for California rests on new blood or experience."
  • Mercury News by Ken McLaughlin and Steven Harmon: "with the candidates running neck and neck in most polls, their first confrontation was a chance for one to break away from the other -- something most analysts said did not happen."

Si me preguntan, coincido en que ni la republicana y menos el demócrata dijeron nada que no se haya dicho antes, no aclararon nada y se atacaron mutuamente como muchos esperaban. Whitman incluso dijo que poner a Brown a cargo de California es como poner a Dracula a cargo de un banco de sangre, mientras que algún comentarista escribió por ahí que Whitman parecía la bruja Hagatha con ese terrible peinado y los ojos cansados. Al final, desde mi siempre particular punto de vista, quedaron en deuda con el electorado. A ver si consigo la dirección de correo postal de cada uno para enviarles mi cuenta por la hora de mi valioso tiempo que me hicieron perder.


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